Hard X-ray Test Facility Based on a Single Crystal MonochromatorResearch Stories

Chengze Li

China University of Petroleum, National Institute of Metrology

The realization and study of (21-301) keV monochromatic x-rays


In order to calibrate x-ray detectors, they need to be tested at how well they respond to different x-ray energy levels at dedicated x-ray test facilities. Researchers from China developed a hard x-ray test facility to test various hard x-ray detectors based on a single crystal monochromator.

They utilized 3 single crystals within the monochromator to cover the energy range 21-301 keV. The system was comprised of 4 parts, an x-ray source, a collimating structure, a single crystal monochromator, and two detectors. These detectors were a high-purity Germanium detector, and the PIXIS-XF CCD camera.

The researchers found there to be a good linear relationship between the x-ray tube current and the monochromatic light flux. However, the energy resolution worsened with increasing energy value, as the spectra broadened. Overall, they found the x-ray test facility to accommodate a wide energy rage with good stability, and therefore suitable for multiple testing experiments.

The low noise of the PIXIS-XF made it a great option for monitoring the x-ray light spot. The researchers found the dual speed operation suitable for both steady state as well as for high speed applications, and therefore an ideal option for monitoring their new system. 

PIXIS XF photo

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