PyLoNResearch Stories

Measuring Spectra of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides in Stable Cavities

Researchers from Ludwig-Maximilians-University have created a new experimental set up to very sensitively measure cavity quantum electrodynamics within closed cycle cryostat systems…Find out more

Alexander Högele

Revealing the Influence of Algae on the Surface of Seawater

Prof Heather Allen’s group from Ohio State University are using sum frequency generation spectroscopy to understand the physics and chemistry at the interface between air and sea. This allows for further understanding of how gas and materials exchange on the surface of oceans, an important insight into how oceans influence the global climate…Find out more

Mickey Rogers, Heather Allen

2D Materials Enhance Optical Fibers

Researchers from the Chinese academy of Sciences and Peking University in China investigate how 2D materials can be used to enhance the non-linear properties of optical fibers, using Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy…Find out more

Zhongfan Liu
Nature Technology

Making Effective Light Absorbers From 2D Materials

By using photoluminescence spectroscopy, absorption spectroscopy and transient pump-probe absorption spectroscopy, researchers from China were able to characterize 2D van-der-Waals heterostructures from transition metal dichalcogenides. They were able to investigate the charge transfer within the fabricated structure, making these materials suitable for highly efficient devices…Find out more

Haiming Zhu
The Journal of Chemical Physics

Enhancing Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Properties Through Alignment

Researchers from the University of Wyoming used an IsoPlane 320 and a PyLoN to characterize carbon nanotubes in both the longitudinal and latitudinal axis. These axes are inherent to the physical properties of the carbon nanotubes…Find out more

Bill Rice (William D. Rice)
Nano Letters

Graphene Quantum Dots as High Purity Single Photon Sources

Researchers from France are studying graphene quantum dots as high purity single photon sources for quantum research and quantum computer applications. Using microscopic photoluminescence the team were able to determine where the edges of the graphene crystallites were chemically changed…Find out more

Jean-Sebastien Lauret
Nature Communications

Surface Enhance Raman Spectroscopy For Nanoparticle Catalysts

Researchers from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign are using surface enhance microRaman spectroscopy (SERS) to examine the mechanisms behind silver nanoparticle catalysts for ethylene..Find out more

Prashant Jain
Nature Communications

Continuous Filter System for Detecting Raman Scattered Light

Continuous tuning of the excitation wavelength can be advantageous for strongly enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen have developed a continuous filter system which works as a tubable filter for Raman scattered light…Find out more

Tom Vosch
Scientific Reports

Comparing Human and Emperor Penguin Enzymes via Raman Spectroscopy

Researchers from Virginia Commonwealth University investigated the similarities of human enzymes and emperor penguin enzymes as potential model systems for biochemical and physiological processes in humans. They used absorbance and Raman spectroscopy close to the electron transition energies of the enzyme…Find out more

John C. Hackett
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry

Determining the Structure of DNA Using Raman Spectroscopy

High resolution Raman spectroscopy allowed researchers from NAS of Ukraine to study the structure of DNA molecules. The team measured the structural changes of DNA inside photonic crystal cavities…Find out more

V. V. Boiko
Journal of Biological Physics